Roasted Nuts
It is true that occasionally we get men phoning thinking Willow is not the type or massage center that it is. Unfortunately, it is the nature of the business. Thankfully we have not had too many incidents. (They don’t ask twice, my dad taught me where to kick…) But it is something that occasionally we need to be aware of.

Anyway, I had a man book online. He seemed like a nice fella when he came in, nothing suspicious. He wanted a full body massage treatment, had nothing specific he wanted working on. But when he was on the table, face down, he would not stop squirming. Lifting his groin off the table. I asked was he ok? He said he was although he continued lifting his pelvis up.
I was terrified that when I turned him over, I was going to see things I DID NOT want to see. Asked him again if he was alright, he said he was. So, for the bulk of the massage, I kept his face down. Trying to spend as much time on his back as possible. But the squirming continued, mostly from the pelvis.
At this point, I had spent as much time on his back and the back of his legs as I could so I had to ask him to turn over.
So I turned the client over and I saw….
Nothing out of the ordinary, or anything to cause alarm. Relieved I uncovered his leg, and it was so warm it was unreal!
Turns out the electric blanket underneath was overheating this poor man and he was trying to protect himself from the heat. If he had said I could have switched it off!?
Moral of the story guys, if you are too hot or too cold please tell us as it makes everyone uncomfortable.