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Massage for the health of it

Deep tissue massage

Massage therapy is an amazing wellbeing tool for hundreds of different conditions and ailments. But more and more it is being seen as a “pamper” session. Something people choose to do only when they have absolutely ruined themselves. In fact, it shocks me that some clients wait as long as they do!

So to everyone with aches and pains I urge you to try and get a massage before your muscles get used to your injury.

Massage and Complementary therapies have many other uses besides muscle aches and pains. 

Over time it has been known to lower adrenaline levels and increase your serotonin levels.  These are your stress and happy hormones/ neurotransmitter.  By reducing your stress levels it can impact lots of problems:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Heart problems
  • High Blood Pressure
  • ​IBS

to name a few

Your body is an amazing machine that is very capable of healing itself. However, it needs the time, energy and tools to do this. By using massage therapy as a complementary therapy it should ‘complement’ your healing. I.e. it puts the body in a state where it can heal itself.
It does this by deactivating the fight or flight response.  When our body faces a danger (physical or emotional) it responds the same way. It enables the sympathetic nervous system and gets ready to fight the problem or run and hide.

This stress response takes a lot of energy and puts the body under a lot of pressure. It puts pressure on the heart, the lungs, the brain, the pancreas, and kidneys, etc. And if your body is sending all it’s energy to those organs just to cope with your stress then it is not healing itself. 

So why not give your healing a helping hand at Willow Massage Centre.

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